Kurt Vonnegut said to be a sadist. To throw your characters into the fire. Ally's fire was more of a smolder so she was thrown into flames.
Now you'll see what she's made of. Now she'll become someone to be proud of.
This idea of testing your characters, of pushing them to their limits and then pushing them some more is something I ran with for the rest of the books in the series. All of my heroines will have the chance to show their strength.
I have to say, it's been fun working on Just to Keep You Warm, Sarah's story, and seeing Ally and Matt through her eyes. We get more from Matt in Sarah's book - a lot more. And I adore Matt the big brother.
Just to Keep You Warm is about half written and I am completely shocked by the results. We don't see a lot of her in Ally's book but Sarah is truly blowing me away.
And since I'm riding a high from a particularly sweet scene between Matt and Sarah in JTKYW, I'm posting a little tiny teaser from For the First Time. :)